Sakura Martial Arts Academy Newsletter
January 2006

Happy New Year 2006!

Sakura Martial Arts Academy welcomes you back for another year of training, learning and fun. We hope that you enjoyed a pleasant holiday and that you are refreshed and ready to tackle classes with renewed vigour.

With this letter you should have received a new club registration form to complete. Club fees are also due at this time. Please return both by Wednesday, January 11th, 2006. Fees have not been changed, however we ask that full payment for the year be made as 12 - postdated monthly cheques, quarterly, ½ year or full year memberships. Cheques should be made payable to Sakura Martial Arts Academy and dated the first of each month.

Fees are as follows:
Junior and Youth Classes $55 / month
Adult Class $60 / month
* (additional family members deduct $10/month from the lowest amount)

Our club is now a member of EMAC Canada or Eastern Martial Arts Coalition. All of our registration forms and fees must be received by them before January 31, 2006. This will ensure a smooth transition into the new federation AND you will receive your new Budopass and Federation Crest for FREE. Note that late registrants will be required to pay for their passes ($20) and crests ($15).

Yearly Federation Dues are as follows:
$10 white and coloured belts
$25 brown belts
$50 black belts
Please make the cheques payable to EMAC Canada and have them in to Sensei by January 25th 2006.

Students still sporting Yamanka Martial Arts and/or YKKF crests are asked to remove them. Keep them as a souvenir of your training history. Our new club crests will be available by the end of January.

Monday, January 16th is the next grading date for the junior and youth classes. Testing will occur during regular class time. Please ensure that students arrive about 15 minutes before class begins. Good luck to all those who are grading. Grading fees are to be handed in to Sensei before January 16th to ensure that enough belts and certificates are ordered.

Grading fees - $45 red/yellow/orange$65 green/blue/brown$350 black

An adult grading was held December 17th, 2005. All students were successful in completing a rigourous and physically challenging few hours under the direction of Sensei James. Congratulations to Donald and Kristen on receiving their red belts, Don and Frank for their green, Gordon received his blue belt and Lindsay added a second stripe to her brown belt and looks forward to her black belt grading in June! Well done. Please pass on your congratulations to all of them next time you meet!

We hope to continue with monthly newsletters this year to help keep students and their families motivated and informed of club news and events. Look for student profiles, technical information, jokes, quotes and more! Please see Laurie or Tyler for details.

Sunday, January 29th 1:30 - 4:30pm
Instructor: Kyoshi Jean Frenette
Subject: Junbi undo
Oyo Drills
Rensuko kumite oyo geka sai dai ichi and ni
Cost : $45
*   Please see bulletin board for directions to new location and
See Sensei or other senior if you are interested in attending
and would like to carpool.

If you have any questions regarding items in this newsletter please leave a message on the dojo phone 264-8974 or call Laurie at 267-2975.