
  1. Friday, May 28th 7 - 9pm Brown and Black belt training at Eastwind

  2. Next Club Meeting Wednesday, June 16th 8:30 p.m.

  3. Watch for in JULY - UPCOMING KID'S KARATE CAMP Details to be posted soon.

  4. Saturday/Sunday July 10th/11th - Sensei Mike is Woodstock for Kobudo seminar and Referee seminar

  5. Saturday July 19th - Hanshi Chuck Merriman in Montreal

  6. Bring your JOURNALS & BUDO PASSPORT (especially when grading) to class!!!! Remember if your forget your Journal you trade in your belt for a white one till you bring in your journal!!!

  7. Kobudo/Karate/Shaolin Kung fu Classes @ Eastwind (Ottawa)
    Date: Thursdays
    Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Kobudo 8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Karate/Shaolin Kung fu
    Cost: $10
    * All ages and belt levels welcome!!!

  8. Jundokan Crests - $10
    T-Shirts - $10

  9. A gentle reminder to all students. It is vitally important both from a safety and hygienic standpoint, as well as a personal care image, to keep fingernails and toenails clean and clipped short. It has come to our attention that a number of students are not looking after themselves appropriately. In order to protect yourselves and your training partners from unwanted scratches and cuts please ensure that you come to classes with short, clean nails. Thank you.